
Monday, July 11, 2011

Pride ~ Drama Jepun


Genre: Human Drama, Sports
Category: Japanese Drama
Film Date: January, 2004
Episodes: 11

Halu (Kimura Takuya) is the captain and star player of an ice hockey team, who is greatly respected by his teammates. For him, hockey is serious business that fully occupies his mind, while he treats romance as if it were a game. Aki (Takeuchi Yuko) is a typical OL (office lady), and is waiting for her boyfriend to return from studying architecture abroad. At this point in time however, he shows no sign of coming back. One day, Aki's friends who are determined to find her a new boyfriend, invite her to watch an ice hockey game. There she sees Halu for the first time. After the game, Aki and her friends join the players for a party celebrating their victory. Yuko, however, is not so excited to be there. When she leaves the party, she bumps into Halu, who was slightly injured from a fight. They exchange e-mail addresses and part. The sparks of mutual attraction are ignited in a second encounter between Aki and Halu, arranged with the help of her friends shortly after a party. Hyodo (Sato Koichi) has come as a replacement for the team's coach who has been hospitalized. Halu has a lot of respect for the hospitalized coach. Unfortunately, he can't stand Hyodo's way of doing things. Bringing with him a lot of coaching experience from overseas, Hyodo criticizes the former coach's strategies. Whenever Halu and Hyodo see each other, they get into a quarrel; consequently influencing Halu's behavior during games. Seeing that his game ended in a brawl, Aki visits Halu to comfort him. But he tells her that she is being too friendly with him. Aki is hurt, Halu is irritated, and his teammate Hotta (Sakaguchi Kenji) can't stand seeing Kimura like this...

Disebankan cuti semalam jadi ada ler peluang aku menonton drama jepun PRIDE. maruah seorang pemain hoki ice. mmg hebat pelakon ni. nama dia TAKUYA KIMURA dalam drama ni nama dia HALU. Halu maksud dia musim bunga. Halu seorang kapten hoki yang mempunyai hati yang suci. lagu tema diaorg aki yang yang mencintai halu hati yang suci. dalam drama ni persahabat tu mmg nampak terselah. bantu antara satu sama lain. walau susah macam mana pun. mereka tetap bersatu. tak kiralah dalam gelangang mahupun dalam soal peribadi. drama ni aku dah tengok banyak kali sebenarnya. tapi tak pernah jemu. jalan cerita yang sungguh menarik. kadang2 ada part yang sungguh terharu boleh buat kita rasa sakit hati. sedih, nak marah kadang2 geram pun ada. tapi part yang paling sedih bila aki tak dapat nak luahkan yang dia betul2 cintakan halu. dia boleh tulis kat mentol aje. perkataan yang biasa halu katakan MAYBE. tapi petutp cerita ni mmg happy giler... tak rugi beli DVD drama ni.

pemain hoki ice yang memakai jersi no 9 ~ HALU SATONAKA.

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