
Friday, July 22, 2011

A Cinderella Story


Selamat pagi..

Tengah2 tengok TV teringat movie nie a cinderella story. cari2 vcd ada pun. terus aku tengok, masuk kali ni dah 5kali agaknya. masa ni aku beli original vcd. movie ni ditayangkan pada tahun 2005. best ceritanya, happy ending dan sungguh menghiburkan. aku memang suka tegok cerita yg penuh fantasi, atau pun ceritanya dongeng hehhe.. mcm cinderella ni.

aku copy skit dia nya sinopsis..

High school senior, Sam Montgomery, lives at the beck and call of her self-obsessed step-mother, Fiona, and her sinfully wicked step-sisters, who treat her more like a servant than a member of the family. With her sights set on attending Princeton, Sam finds her less-than-sparkling social life wonderfully complicated when she meets her prince charming online. However, when her anonymous cyber soul mate turns out to be her high school’s über-popular quarterback Austin Ames, Sam makes a mad dash back to reality, leaving her cell phone behind just before the clock strikes midnight. Fearing rejection if her secret is revealed, Sam dodges Austin's relentless efforts to discover the identity of his princess. Will Sam let fear hold her back, or will she find the courage to be herself and claim the life she's always wanted? Her chance at "happily ever after" depends on it.

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